Does Tantra Massage Help With Sex Problems in Men?

By Jacqui Olliver

In my experience, men who seek tantra massage help or sensual massage often have unresolved sexual problems including early ejaculation, weak erection problems or difficulty achieving orgasm during sex.

While tantra massage may help alleviate some of the stress associated with sex problems, it's only a short term fix because it does not address the cause.

Why doesn't tantra massage help with PE & ED?

During a tantric massage the client is instructed to follow a complicated breathing ritual. As well as being confusing for a man with sex problems, it WILL NEVER PERMANENTLY solve his sexual problems or sexual frustrations, because it doesn’t provide an explanation of how his brain controls sexual arousal within his body.

While a tantra massage or sensual massage may seem to alleviate a weak erection problem during the massage, it’s not a realistic way to test whether or not your penis is going to work properly during sex with your partner!

And for a man with Premature Ejaculation, this kind of erotic massage will usually over stimulate his brain sexually and make him ejaculate early.

Knowing how to relax as a male without requiring direct sexual stimulation and without the need for ejaculation, is an essential life skill most men don’t know how to possess. You see, it's not your penis which needs to be relieved of pressure, IT IS YOUR BRAIN.

What's better than tantra massage for solving sex problems?

If you ejaculate prematurely, have weak erection problems – or you just want to feel sexually fulfilled and last longer in bed, then you need to understand the mechanics required to stay in control of your sexual arousal so you can stay in control sexually and throughout intercourse.

Psychosexual Alignment enables you to understand the focus and action mechanism of sex so you can take control of your body and master sex.

This method is so easily understood and implemented, that within a short period of time you can gain confidence in addressing any of the aforementioned problems. This allows you to achieve a level of control unparalleled in ANY kind of teaching found elsewhere.

This unique system enables you to eliminate unwanted sexual arousal any time, anywhere AND TO STAY IN FULL CONTROL OF THE SEXUAL ACT. These teachings are unique to me and are unavailable elsewhere.

Unlike tantra massage, within a short period of time you can gain the understanding of how you are accidentally contributing to these problems and how to gain complete control.

And if you don’t have sex problems, these insights will demonstrate how to be a KING in bed!

Awareness of feeling is controlled by focus processes, which must be monitored for a man to stay hard and in control.

Psychosexual Alignment vs Tantra Massage

Tantra massage does not resolve the underlying issues causing sex problems, whereas Psychosexual Alignment deals with sex problems at a level that prevents them from occurring.

If you want to know how to stop feeling sexually frustrated then you need to understand:

Why it is your BRAIN which needs satisfying NOT your penis or vagina

How to END sexual frustration – regardless of your relationship status

How to beat PERFORMANCE ANXIETY so you can stay in control of the sexual act

How to gain full control over your erection – and how to ejaculate only when you want to

How to stop sexual fantasies from ruining your relationship and how to use sexual fantasies to end sex problems and enhance intimacy

How to deepen your emotional and sexual connection with your partner with hardly any effort at all

And how to gain full control over sexual arousal, sexual pressure, and challenging emotions without suppressing yourself in any way.

Tantra massage or Sex therapy?

When it comes to exploring the realms of intimacy, self-discovery, and personal growth, men often find themselves at a crossroads, pondering whether to embark on a journey of self-exploration through tantra massage or seek the guidance of a sex therapist to address their unique concerns and desires.

Tantra massage offers a temporary fix, whereas I’m recommended by leading medical specialists – and many of my clients report success in solving their sex problems immediately.

The breakthrough Psychosexual Alignment method enables you to switch from one mode to the other – sensing and feeling. This is vitally important in the recovery of many afflictions – sexual issues including premature ejaculation, sexual frustration, impotency, erectile dysfunction, being unable to orgasm as well as emotional issues, relationship issues and work stress.

If you want to discover how you can have total control in bed so you can stop losing your erection, stop ejaculating early and orgasm only when you AND your partner want you to… then stop looking for help from tantra massage!

Check out my breakthrough system to help solve Premature ejaculation and Erectile dysfunction and see for yourself how fast these impediments to great sex can be resolved.

I have many success stories to share!

Most of my customers get relief after their first session, and recover completely after finishing the program.

More Testimonials Here

"This is definitely a good program because it teaches how the mind works. Something I’m sure most of us know, but don’t understand how it affects our sex life. It all makes sense now!

- Josh, UK*

It all makes sense now!

"I want to say thank you for your help... I spent this last weekend with my girlfriend and everything went great... It helped my confidence greatly to know that these techniques are working."

- Patrick, USA*

Helped my confidence


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Jacqui Olliver

Jacqui Olliver

As the founder of the Psychosexual Alignment methodology and published author, Jacqui has helped thousands of men and women easily resolve sex problems and restore emotional connection. Get your ultimate sex education and elevate intimacy to an exciting new level of engagement with Jacqui's Sex Mastery Programs for Men and Women.

© Jacqui Olliver and the Life Education Initiative. All Rights Reserved. DMCA protected. Content on this website is for information purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for medical advice. *Results vary from person to person.