* Sexual Confidence * Enhanced Performance * Deepen Connection
The Sex Mastery Program - Don’t Wait - Take Control of Your Happiness Today!
Rock-Solid 100% Money-Back Guarantee!
Restore happy and satisfying sex and intimacy without the use of drugs! This program directly addresses both male and female sexual challenges, so both partners can fully enjoy their time together.
The SEX MASTERY Programs
Take Control of Your Sex Life
Sex Mastery Hard AND In Control For Men
Sex Mastery Enjoyable Sex and Orgasms For Women
Including These Extra Bonuses...
Discover the Male and Female Programs
Including These Extra Bonuses...
Boost Your Sexual Confidence!
Fix the Issues That Are Getting in the Way
Enjoyable Sex and Orgasms
Including These Extra Bonuses...
Reboot Your Sex Drive
Discover Your Own Sexual Power!
Access to All Formats
It makes sense now!
"The PDF’s are super helpful! This is definitely a good program because it teaches how the mind works. Something I’m sure most of us know, but don’t understand how it affects our sex life. It all makes sense now!
We’ve only had sex once since the course I took on Friday. But it was a good success for both of us. First, I was able to get very hard, so yay.
During, I had started to go a bit soft a couple times (when I wasn’t penetrating) and started to go into my mind of worry, then I adjusted what I was doing and the hardness came right back. So success there!"
Josh, UK*
Breakthrough The Barriers to
Great Sex
PLUS Additional Insights to Uncover...
Including These Extra Bonuses...
It's time to take control of your sex life.
Feel Like Your Best Self
You deserve to feel confident, fulfilled, and connected in your sex life, so don’t let another day go by feeling frustrated or disconnected.
The longer you wait, the more these issues can impact your confidence and undermine your relationship.
Take control of your sexual wellbeing and experience the passion you deserve.
I Want You To Have Great Sex!
SEX MASTERY will help you...
Your commitment towards personal growth, gets you lifetime access to my members area. This includes the programs purchased (including upgrades), and all relative resources. Continued access to course content and resources gives you a faster, easier, and more streamlined pathway to success, so there are no excuses to not living your best life.
NEW INSIGHTS: Optimizing and developing programs to help my clients achieve fulfilling sex and intimacy as you may realize, is something I am very passionate about. I am constantly researching, investigating, searching for the solutions and answers to help you stop sabotaging your happiness.
You will be amazed at what I have planned and the insights I have gained, so I encourage my clients to constantly revisit the program to benefit from the new insights and developments.
Confidence in and out of the bedroom.
Restore Sexual Confidence
Sex and intimacy issues cause unnecessary strain on your life and relationships. Being able to deal with all aspects of sex and intimacy as challenges arise, enables you to restore confidence and connection.
Sign up for Sex Mastery today. With my 100% rock-solid money-back guarantee, you can finally regain control over your sexual performance and connection. Click here to get started!
Jacqui Olliver
As the founder of the Psychosexual Alignment methodology and published author, Jacqui has helped thousands of men and women easily resolve sex problems and restore emotional connection. Get your ultimate sex education and elevate intimacy to an exciting new level of engagement with Jacqui's Sex Mastery Program for men and women.
Get All This With Sex Mastery
* Sexual Confidence * Enhanced Performance * Deepen Connection
The Sex Mastery Program - Don’t Wait - Take Control of Your Happiness Today!
Rock-Solid 100% Money-Back Guarantee!
⭐ Rock-Solid 100% Money-Back Guarantee ⭐
I have total confidence in the practical application and value of the Psychosexual Alignment method and the Sex Mastery Program. I truly care about your success, and therefore, if for some reason, something falls short of your expectations, please contact me so we can sort it out.
However, if you apply the techniques as instructed for 30 days and don't find it life-changing, simply reach out for a full refund. Your satisfaction is my mission, so I'd also love to hear your feedback which will help improve the Sex Mastery program.
Recommended by Professionals
"We have a very joyful life after enrolment with your program... I often see such patients with stress and a lot of problems with their partners, I always prefer them first go through your programs."
- Dr Ejay Shah,
Medical Specialist
"Jacqui has been one of my favourite guests, she is open, honest, thoughtful, prepared and has a true willingness to help people reach their happiest sexual experiences."
- Alison Donaghey,
The Domino Thinking Podcast
"I have tried many types of drugs, consultation with many therapists and many herbs and Ayurveda. Your discovery and solution to sex problem in males is 200 times better than all other pills and suggestions combined."
- Dr Vijay Raghavan, Award-Winning Diabetes and Metabolic Specialist
I have many success stories to share!
Join my many customers who have enjoyed success after finishing their Sex Mastery program.
"Within 10 minutes of applying her technique I could already feel my libido switching back on! And now I can orgasm more easily too! ...we both feel increased desire for each other."
- Nikki, New Zealand*
Increased desire
"This is definitely a good program because it teaches how the mind works. Something I’m sure most of us know, but don’t understand how it affects our sex life. It all makes sense now!
- Josh, UK*
It all makes sense now!
"I want to say thank you for your help... I spent this last weekend with my girlfriend and everything went great... It helped my confidence greatly to know that these techniques are working."
- Patrick, USA*
Helped my confidence
Sex Mastery is a 100% digital program which you can view privately on my membership site via your computer, tablet or phone. The formats available (for just one price) include videos, audios and full PDF transcripts as well as Bonus PDF reports and summaries which answer all questions.
Confidentiality is paramount and NOTHING is sent to your home address. After purchase you will be emailed login details to access my membership site where you can immediately view the material on your computer, phone or tablet. You have LIFETIME ACCESS to your program and it’s 100% CONFIDENTIAL. There are no recurring payments.
Solving and preventing male and female sex problems is Jacqui's area of expertise. Jacqui is the founder of the Psychosexual Alignment method. While the ideology of this method works for same sex couples, the concepts are explained from a heterosexual male / female perspective and is more focused on penetrative intercourse. NOTE: Part 1 of both Male and Female Sex Mastery programs explains the foundation of Psychosexual Alignment (same content, but from the male or female perspective).
Absolutely ZERO medicines or supplements are required with this method. Instead, I’m going to show you how to directly control and influence the signals your brain is giving to your body so you can be in charge of your body! There will be no more confusion! The natural outcome of following this procedure is a sense of connection and personal achievement.
The vast majority of the program is focused on restructuring your focus and actions so you stop confusing your brain and start giving it clear instructions. When you give your brain relevant “signals” during sexual activity, it can naturally respond with the correct mode of operation.
Absolutely yes! Consider the fact that you are simply missing an education - the kind of education in an ideal world, you would receive at high school. Once you understand the procedure your brain needs for sex, it’s a simple matter of mentally going over it to ensure you align the information in the correct order. Going over the elements of the program (mental, physical and emotional elements) will restore confidence in your ability to relate sexually with a partner in real life.
Yes! My customers tell me this method is straightforward to implement into your sex life (whether single or in a relationship) because it’s logical and makes complete sense. That once you understand the correct focus and action sequence required by your brain for sex, the answer to solving all sex problems seems obvious - as though you should have already known. It’s straightforward compared to other commonly taught methods - and far more satisfying for your partner too.
For some men and women it may appear that way initially, however, this is only because you are learning a new system as when you learn to drive a car. In most cases, within a short period of time, following this method will eventually seem like second nature. This will lead to feeling more relaxed and at ease during sex as you regain your sexual confidence and timing.
This method is scientifically based on how your brain influences your actions. You may begin feeling different within the first few hours of starting the program. Primarily because you are receiving valuable information that has taken many years to put together. Just seeing things from a whole new perspective in life will dramatically change your focus, outlook, and behaviors and empower you to start transforming your life.
Newly acquired results will make you become more hopeful and confident that your problem will be solved. This immediately resolves most of your mental and emotional burdens. Going over the resources more than once will help you understand this new knowledge quicker and can lead to faster results.
Sexually, results vary from person to person. Success can be experienced the next time you have sex and satisfying results usually occur well within 30 days if you are having regular sex. For some people it takes longer to integrate and align the information in the correct order. You can email me any time, if you want further understanding and clarification.