The 3 Best Erectile Dysfunction Cures

By Jacqui Olliver

As an expert on solving sex problems, I’m technically not allowed to say I can permanently cure erectile dysfunction or even that you can naturally cure erectile dysfunction.

I was informed that this is true due to unforeseeable future accidents or medications required for other health related issues. However, on the subject of a natural and permanent cure for erectile dysfunction, I can confidently provide some interesting and insightful answers to help you restore a fulfilling sex life in a timely manner.

Erectile dysfunction affects men of all ages

Men of all ages can develop ED. While it's estimated that 40% of men over 40 suffer from this issue (and 50% of men over 50), I have helped many men as young as 18 who suffered from this issue. It’s embarrassing to have to rely on ED drugs because you can’t get hard naturally. Drugs, medicines, and numbing creams take away from the spontaneity of sex and don’t always work.

Ongoing weak erection issues destroy your self-esteem by inhibiting your ability to perform normal sex. It affects your confidence and causes ongoing worry that you are unable to satisfy your partner in bed. This can have a destructive effect on the relationship as both partners struggle to connect and feel fulfilled sexually.

Restoring a hard erection requires a refocusing procedure.

Treatments to cure Erectile Dysfunction (ED)

There are many erectile dysfunction treatments available. Most doctors order tests to check for major health issues and/or immediately prescribe drugs. Most sex therapists tend to regurgitate the diet and exercise myth – or focus on all the issues surrounding sex. This leaves you wondering if your problem is ever going to be solved.

For example, many sex therapists will recommend you focus more attention on your partner. This is the last thing you should do! This can actually make you lose your erection because it confuses your brain as to what is wanted. As does constantly worrying about the state of your erection. This leads to no erection, a weak erection or losing your erection during foreplay, penetration or intercourse.

Being able to control the sexual and emotional programs in your BRAIN is paramount. This best erectile dysfunction treatment enables you to overcome sexual anxiety as well as cure erectile dysfunction.

To be able to get a hard erection and then stay hard, you MUST understand the mechanism which brings about the onset of the problem. Then you can change the outcome.

How to cure erectile dysfunction naturally

You need to understand how your brain is influencing your erection hardness and ability to control ejaculation. When you’re experiencing a sexual “malfunction” it’s because the sexual programs in your brain are random and confused. This is usually due to not receiving a sex education relevant to engaging in the sexual act.

With no structure or procedure to perform good sex, random or anxious thoughts lead to either the failure to get an erection, or the loss of erection hardness during sex, or ejaculating without warning.

To cure erectile dysfunction your sexual technique must encompass the whole of the sexual act, inside and outside the bedroom! Think of it as pre-sex preparation which strengthens your overall sexual position and ability to last longer.

The best sexual technique enhances your ability to stay connected with your partner, while at the same time enabling you to maintain your erection hardness and control the timing of your ejaculation.

1. Get rid of mental contamination

In my experience in solving sexual dysfunction problems for thousands of men, women and couples, ED is predominantly a mental contamination problem. This is caused by an incorrect education on sexual technique and relevant procedures for sex. Incorrect information is often gleaned from porn and the internet. Mental contamination can also include unwanted, intrusive thoughts and focusing on the wrong thing at the wrong time. This confuses your brain sexually.

The timing of your loss of erection will usually coincide with the mental contamination problem.

Whether this be a random thought unrelated to sex or simply the wrong point of focus at the wrong time, the result is a soft erection or unexpected (or delayed) ejaculation. For some men, this causes premature ejaculation. This makes for a stressful sexual experience for all involved because of the uncertainty of the outcome!

Most men can cure erectile dysfunction by learning how to give their brain a consistent stream of relevant signals during sexual activity. Signals are determined by your thoughts and actions. When there aren’t any medical issues present, clear “signals” will always trigger the correct hormonal and muscle responses in your body, regardless of your age.

So how do you give your brain clear and relevant signals so you can naturally cure ED and other sex problems? You just need to accurately tweak how you focus your attention throughout foreplay, penetration, and intercourse. See below for more details. The exact step-by-step procedure to achieve this is fully explained in my proven program for men which is 100% private and confidential.

Mental contamination is usually the main cause of your sex problems, so it’s important to be able to think clearly. Without making a few adjustments to your lifestyle diet and exercise though, you may continue to feel mentally sluggish.

2. Cure ED with exercise and the right foods to fuel your brain

If you want to get rid of ED permanently then it’s important to avoid these foods which can disrupt your body’s natural cycles and make weak erection problems worse.

These are just as important to take into consideration as foods which increase mental dexterity and improve sexual function. Some foods interfere with your ability to focus.

You need to be eating more foods to enhance sexual function. Eat plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables which fuel your brain, increase blood flow and increase your energy levels, such as watermelon.

You’ve probably heard of the saying use it or lose it. If you’ve got an erectile dysfunction problem you’ve probably been having sex less frequently, which then causes your penis muscles to atrophy and makes your ED problem worse. Exercise increases energy – but going for daily walks isn’t going to improve the strength or hardness of your erection.

If you’re physically unfit, you’re just not going to be able to go the distance. This is one of the reasons why ED is a common ailment among older men – the fitness gained during our youth tends to have mostly evaporated by the age of 25.

The best exercises for sex strengthen your core sex muscles and keep you physically fit. Just like you can’t go for a two mile jog twice a week then run a marathon in the next month, when it comes to sex, you need to specifically exercise the correct muscle groups to prepare for longer lasting sex.

But make no mistake, you still need to deal with the mental contamination problem. This includes performance anxiety:

3. Eliminating performance anxiety can cure ED

Being constantly anxious and uncertain of the right mechanics which govern the sexual act, leaves you with more questions than answers. When your mind is constantly analyzing what’s happening with your penis, you can quickly lose your hard erection.

The real problem here is that performance anxiety is constantly being brought on because your brain doesn’t have a plan to follow during sex. In other words, the complete sexual strategy to control your arousal levels during foreplay, penetration, and intercourse. Having this advanced knowledge can enable you to stay hard, enjoy sex and satisfy your partner by lasting as long as she (or he) wants you to.

When you learned how to drive a car, you weren’t just given a car, a key, and a fuel voucher, were you? First, you were taught how to start the engine. Then you learned how to apply the right amount of acceleration. Then how to move through the gears with the right timing. And how to brake without stalling. Once you mastered those basics you were allowed out on the road.

Sex requires a similar, in-depth education. Sometimes you need to cold-start your engine. Other times your engine is already idling. Without the right amount of acceleration you will stall. Too much acceleration and you may crash. You need to know how to deal with mental distractions so they don’t take you off your game, and how to restore a strong erection the moment you notice you’re losing it.

This essential knowledge is the best erectile dysfunction cure, and can easily stop erectile dysfunction now. Conversely, without that knowledge and effective procedures in place, when you notice you’re starting to lose your erection you will panic. This can lead to overstimulating yourself and thus ejaculating early.

In summary of curing ED

As you well know from therapies, treatments and erectile dysfunction medications you’ve tried in the past, an incomplete or partial strategy will yield inconsistent results in overcoming ED. This fact is highlighted in common diet and exercise recommendations.

In order to cure erectile dysfunction, you require a complete sexual strategy which encompasses the whole of the sexual act. This must include understanding the switching process which occurs during sex (the method which your brain uses to communicate with your body.)

It’s easy to control performance anxiety when you understand how to precisely CORRECT YOUR MENTAL FOCUS when you feel yourself starting to lose erection hardness. This restores confidence in your ability to instantly regain a hard erection.

My breakthrough Psychosexual Alignment method is one of the best erectile dysfunction cures, because it fully upgrades your knowledge base.

Various sexual scenarios dictate how much mental and physical stimulation is required. This includes during foreplay, penetration and intercourse, as well as when your partner wants you to ejaculate. With the correct knowledge and procedure which I supply, strong erections and confidence in your sexual ability can quickly be restored.

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Jacqui Olliver

Jacqui Olliver

As the founder of the Psychosexual Alignment methodology and published author, Jacqui has helped thousands of men and women easily resolve sex problems and restore emotional connection. Get your ultimate sex education and elevate intimacy to an exciting new level of engagement with Jacqui's Sex Mastery Program.

© Jacqui Olliver and the Life Education Initiative. All Rights Reserved. DMCA protected. Content on this website is for information purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for medical advice. *Results vary from person to person.