The Right Support Can Make All the Difference

The majority of clients report life-changing results from their first session.

Personalized Guidance

Tailored advice and strategies based on your unique situation, specific concerns and your needs.

Real-time Interaction

Engage in dynamic, one-on-one discussions for immediate insights, feedback, and clarification.

Complete Strategy

The knowledge and experience to effectively remove the problems sabotaging your happiness.

Restore happy and satisfying sex and intimacy without the use of drugs!


Way More Than Just Dynamic Consultations

  • Dynamic Consultation
  • Audio Recording of Session
  • Detailed Email Summary
  • Comprehensive Email Support

Let's Start Resolving Your Emotional and Sexual Concerns

  • Enhance your confidence and self-esteem, secure in the knowledge that you can easily get turned on and stay turned on, and enjoy fulfilling intimacy with a partner.
  • Sleep at night, confident in your ability to fulfill both yourself and your partner sexually - and keep your partner's engaged attention - regardless of your age.
  • Be empowered with the knowledge and skills to truly enjoy sex and deep levels of intimacy and connection.

Stop feeling unfulfilled and disappointed with your sex life

Enjoy Great Relationships

Psychosexual Alignment is the real deal when it comes to restoring happy, satisfying sex and intimacy without the use of drugs.

So, what are you waiting for? Don't let intimacy challenges hold you back from living your best life.

Let's work together to restore balance and happiness to your life and your relationship.

Transform Your Sex Life with Jacqui Olliver's Consultations

Hi, I’m Jacqui Olliver, and I’m dedicated to solving sex problems and restoring emotional and sexual fulfillment for men, women, and couples. With my expertise, I’ve helped thousands overcome sexual dysfunction, reignite intimacy, and create happier, more satisfying relationships.

Using my groundbreaking Psychosexual Alignment method, I’ll guide you through the correct techniques for everything from masturbation to penetrative sex. You'll naturally enhance your connection, boost your confidence, and enjoy fun, fulfilling sexual experiences.

My clients experience fast, transformative results, feeling empowered to take full control of their sexual health and happiness. The simplicity of my techniques makes them easy to integrate into your daily life, delivering powerful, life-changing improvements.

Say goodbye to frustrating sexual issues and step into a new world of joy, pleasure, and connection with my breakthrough programs.

Get ready to experience sex like never before!

Jacqui Olliver

Founder of Psychosexual Alignment

Book Your Breakthrough with Jacqui

Book Your Free Strategy Session Here

Get a Tailor-Made Plan to Transform Your Sex Life!

In just 20 minutes, Jacqui will gather the essential information to create a personalized plan designed specifically to resolve your sexual challenges. This free strategy session is your chance to dive into the core issues holding you back and discover the solutions you’ve been searching for.

Through this call, Jacqui will help you identify what’s impacting your sexual function and emotional connection. With her expert guidance, you’ll gain clarity, motivation, and the personalized approach needed to resolve these issues for good.

The Benefits of the Free Strategy Session:

  • Tailor-made program based on your specific needs
  • A clear path to sexual confidence, improved performance, and deeper connection
  • Guidance on how to restore balance to your autonomic nervous system with the Emotional Reset Technique, essential for every aspect of sexual function.

Jacqui’s step-by-step process will help you feel at ease within yourself, enjoy intimacy with your partner, and experience greater satisfaction in life. Her proven Psychosexual Alignment method empowers you with the right techniques to dissolve emotional neediness and sustain emotional and sexual attraction.

Get the Support You Deserve!

No matter where you are in the world, Jacqui’s approach is simple, effective, and life-changing. Book your free strategy session today and take the first step toward a fulfilling, satisfying sex life and stronger relationships.

Jacqui has helped thousands of individuals and couples overcome their sexual and relationship challenges. You’re not alone in your journey—let Jacqui provide the insights and strategies that will make a lasting impact.

Take advantage of this limited-time offer to book your free strategy session and unlock the path to lasting sexual and emotional fulfillment.

Experience Transformative Results

  • Empathetic support for the emotional aspects of your challenges.
  • Get immediate feedback on your progress and queries.
  • Address uncertainties and get clarification on program application.
  • Techniques adjusted to your preferences and comfort.
  • Resolve specific life and intimacy challenges and difficulties.
  • Address concerns promptly with real-time assistance.
  • Deepen your understanding through interactive discussions.
  • Receive encouragement to stay committed to the program.
  • Tackle unforeseen challenges with expert guidance.
  • Increase the likelihood of long-term success and transformation.

Experience Great Sex!

"All made sense"

"I was depressed due to a difficult relationship at work. I was hopeful of a solution to the bad emotions and feelings as things were pretty low. The session had fairly simple concepts that all made sense. It gave me hope, that the situation is recoverable by applying some simple techniques to regain control."

Alistair, New Zealand*

"Understand my partner"

"My PE problem was embarrassing and disappointing for my wife. Jacqui's session was simpler than I expected - and the technique is great! The session was relaxed and informal, she is a great counselor. I feel much more in touch with myself, more in control AND I now understand my partner better."

Gary, Australia*

Achieve Mastery in the Bedroom and Your Relationships

Together, in a focused and efficient session, we dive into resolving your emotional and sexual concerns. I will help you experience transformative results by understanding the dynamics impacting your relationship and sex life.

    Gain a profound understanding of the underlying factors that continue to sabotage your efforts.

    Discover simple focus and action adjustments that empower you to be in charge of your mind, body, and how you feel.
    The audio recordings are like a moment frozen in time, giving the opportunity to pick up and really hear what has been said from a fresh viewpoint.

    You will be surprised at how much information you will gain, especially from your own wisdom and insights shared.
    Insights and information from our time together will also be recorded by note taking and given back to you. Using the most of my expertise and knowledge I will highlight and extrapolate on the "Gold" adding practical insights, techniques and resources to the mix.
    Feel free to contact me after your session and share your experiences and insights on how you have applied the practical learnings from our sessions in your life. It takes time to write out insights and clarify them, and this process gets your creative juices flowing. I challenge you to dig deep, tap into your creative intelligence.

Join the many people who finally found the right answers and strategies

You're Not Alone - I've Been There!

Experience the pleasure and connection that a happy sex life can bring. Join thousands of people of all ages, who have transformed their lives through the Sex Mastery program.

No More Procrastination!

These proven techniques can help you overcome the obstacles in the way of your sexual happiness. Most clients report significant improvements and achieve breakthrough results after one session or completing their Sex Mastery program.

The first step towards enjoying a fulfilling sex life is taking action to resolve any sexual and emotional issues that are holding you back. Let's end your struggles once and for all.

Everyone Deserves to Feel Happy

Are you tired of feeling lost and unfulfilled because of sexual problems?

You're not alone. I've been there, and I know how mentally draining and frustrating it can be - especially if your partner is also struggling with sex problems. Everyone deserves to feel happy and fulfilled in all aspects of life, including the bedroom.

That's why I'm committed to providing you with the best sex education out there, to help you overcome any challenges with ease.

Enhance Your Ability to Connect

Psychosexual Alignment is the key to creating meaningful, long-lasting relationships.

  • Unlock the secrets to satisfying sex and intimacy
  • Neutralize anxiety caused by incorrect techniques
  • 10X your sexual confidence and self-esteem!

Empower yourself towards success and prosperity in sex, intimacy, and other areas of your life.

You deserve a sex life that's fun and satisfying!

Jacqui Olliver

Jacqui Olliver

As the founder of the Psychosexual Alignment methodology and published author, Jacqui has helped thousands of men and women easily resolve sex problems and restore emotional connection. Get your ultimate sex education and elevate intimacy to an exciting new level of engagement with Jacqui's Sex Mastery Program.

Consultations - Dedicated Effort

Each client I work with has unique challenges, and preparing for their sessions requires hours of dedicated effort. I invest time and passion into shaping and refining each session, ensuring it is specifically tailored to the client’s needs. Drawing on years of expertise and the latest research, I create personalized solutions to maximize our time together.

Once a consultation package is purchased, I prepare extensively, reviewing previous correspondences and gathering all relevant information to provide the most effective techniques and strategies. This preparation begins long before the session, ensuring I’m ready to deliver the best possible outcome.

Please note that, due to the intensive preparation involved, I maintain a no-refund policy for consultations. This allows me to focus fully on getting results for each client, which is why I am highly recommended.

However, while I provide the guidance, techniques, and solutions, the responsibility to apply them lies with you. I’m committed to helping you resolve your emotional and sexual challenges with confidence, but you must take action to achieve lasting change.

Thank you for understanding the passion and effort I put into every consultation. I look forward to working with you on this transformative journey.

Recommended by Professionals

"We have a very joyful life after enrolment with your program... I often see such patients with stress and a lot of problems with their partners, I always prefer them first go through your programs."

- Dr Ejay Shah, Pakistan

Medical Specialist

"Jacqui has been one of my favourite guests, she is open, honest, thoughtful, prepared and has a true willingness to help people reach their happiest sexual experiences."

- Alison Donaghey,

The Domino Thinking Podcast

"I have tried many types of drugs, consultation with many therapists and many herbs and Ayurveda. Your discovery and solution to sex problem in males is 200 times better than all other pills and suggestions combined."

- Dr Vijay Raghavan, Award-Winning Diabetes and Metabolic Specialist

I have many success stories to share!

Most of my customers get relief from their first session, and recover completely after finishing the program.

"Within 10 minutes of applying her technique I could already feel my libido switching back on! And now I can orgasm more easily too! ...we both feel increased desire for each other."

- Nikki, New Zealand*

Increased desire

"This is definitely a good program because it teaches how the mind works. Something I’m sure most of us know, but don’t understand how it affects our sex life. It all makes sense now!

- Josh, UK*

It all makes sense now!

"I want to say thank you for your help... I spent this last weekend with my girlfriend and everything went great... It helped my confidence greatly to know that these techniques are working."

- Patrick, USA*

Helped my confidence

Frequently Asked Questions

What format is the program?

Sex Mastery is a 100% digital program which you can view privately on my membership site via your computer, tablet or phone. The formats available (for just one price) include videos, audios and full PDF transcripts as well as Bonus PDF reports and summaries which answer all questions.

Breakthrough Sessions are 100% private, dynamic consultations with me (Jacqui Olliver). Whether you prefer to connect via video or audio, you'll receive detailed instructions to make the most of our time together. The audio for this session can be recorded, for you to keep as a resource, and key points from the session will be emailed to you, along with other insights, information and bonus resources.

How do consultations work?

Through the Zoho secure online platform, we can conduct our sessions via live stream video (connect via the internet) or audio where you dial in with your phone.

Video calls, or face-to-face virtual sessions, are highly recommended. These can be conducted via any mobile phone, tablet, laptop or desktop computer which contains a camera, a microphone, and the internet to access our call.

If you don't have a device with a web camera or access to the internet, you can dial in via any phone (audio only) to attend our scheduled meeting.

There is nothing to download or install, simply follow the instructions contained in the confirmed booking email notification you will receive from Zoho, to access our call.

What are online consultations?

Virtual or online consultations are when you can see and talk to a specialist through video calls. You can talk to Jacqui face to face with a feeling of personal involvement. According to a recent stud, electronically delivered consultations are more effective than face-to-face therapy, and also less costly.

What are the main benefits of online consultations?

Clients often express that they feel more authentic and comfortable during online consultations, as they can engage from the familiar surroundings of their own home. The integrity of the therapeutic relationship remains intact, with many noting that their online experience is more fulfilling than previous in-person sessions.

For those with busy schedules, long commutes, or parking challenges, online consultations have become a valuable solution. Being in a familiar environment not only increases comfort but also eliminates barriers like scheduling conflicts and transportation, making therapy more accessible and convenient.

Why are online consultations better economically?

Online consultations are more economical, allowing you to stay in your comfort zone without the costs or hassle of travel. Sessions can be recorded and sent to you confidentially, so you can review them at your convenience.

Many clients find this a significant benefit. Being in a more relaxed environment often leads to deeper understanding and greater insight. Listening to the session playback, including your or your partner’s words, can reveal subconscious patterns that might have gone unnoticed.

Additionally, online consultations reduce the stigma often associated with seeking support. With flexible communication options—such as email, text, video, or chat—clients feel more in control and less hesitant to engage. Plus, there's no chance of running into someone you know on the way to your session.

How is the program delivered to me? (Is anything sent to my home address?!)

Confidentiality is paramount and NOTHING is sent to your home address. After purchase you will be emailed login details to access my membership site where you can immediately view the material on your computer, phone or tablet. You have LIFETIME ACCESS to your programs and it’s 100% CONFIDENTIAL. There are no recurring payments.

Is this method just for heterosexual men and women?

Solving and preventing male and female sex problems is Jacqui's area of expertise. Jacqui is the founder of the Psychosexual Alignment method. While the ideology of this method works for same sex couples, the concepts are explained from a heterosexual male / female perspective and is more focused on penetrative intercourse. NOTE: Part 1 of both Male and Female Sex Mastery programs explains the foundation of Psychosexual Alignment (same content, but from the male or female perspective).

Do I need to take any supplements or medicines?

Absolutely ZERO medicines or supplements are required with this method. Instead, I’m going to show you how to directly control and influence the signals your brain is giving to your body so you can be in charge of your body! There will be no more confusion! The natural outcome of following this procedure is a sense of connection and personal achievement.

Is this just a bunch of exercises?

Most of the program is focused on restructuring your focus and actions so you stop confusing your brain and start giving it clear instructions. When you give your brain relevant “signals” during sexual activity, it can naturally respond with the correct mode of operation.

Does your method work for single men and women?

Absolutely yes! Consider the fact that you are simply missing an education - the kind of education in an ideal world, you would receive at high school. Once you understand the procedure your brain needs for sex, it’s a simple matter of mentally going over it to ensure you align the information in the correct order. Going over the elements of the program (mental, physical and emotional elements) will restore confidence in your ability to relate sexually with a partner in real life.

Is this method easy to follow?

My customers tell me this method is straightforward to implement into your sex life (whether single or in a relationship) because it’s logical and makes complete sense. That once you understand the correct focus and action sequence required by your brain for sex, the answer to solving all sex problems seems obvious - as though you should have already known. It’s straightforward compared to other commonly taught methods - and far more satisfying for your partner too.

Is it going to make sex seem too regimented?

For some men and women it may appear that way initially, however, this is only because you are learning a new system as when you learn to drive a car. In most cases, within a short period of time, following this method will eventually seem like second nature. This will lead to feeling more relaxed and at ease during sex as you regain your sexual confidence and timing.

How soon can I expect to see results?

This method is scientifically based on how your brain influences your actions. You may begin feeling different within the first few hours of starting the program. Primarily because you are receiving valuable information that has taken many years to put together. Just seeing things from a whole new perspective in life will dramatically change your focus, outlook, and behaviors and empower you to start transforming your life.

Newly acquired results will make you become more hopeful and confident that your problem will be solved. This immediately resolves most of your mental and emotional burdens. Going over the resources more than once will help you understand this new knowledge quicker and can lead to faster results.

Sexually, results vary from person to person. Success can be experienced the next time you have sex and satisfying results usually occur well within 30 days if you are having regular sex. For some people it takes longer to integrate and align the information in the correct order. You can email me any time, if you want further understanding and clarification.

© Jacqui Olliver and the Life Education Initiative. All Rights Reserved. DMCA protected. Content on this website is for information purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for medical advice. *Results vary from person to person.