How to Stop Feeling Anxious, Depressed and Emotionally Overwhelmed

By Jacqui Olliver

Anxiety, depression and mental health are constantly in the news. So what makes you feel anxious and depressed and how can you stop feeling emotionally overwhelmed?

Many people incorrectly believe that depression is a medical condition which is out of their control.

I have a completely different take on the cause of anxiety and depression, and how to stop feeling anxious and depressed naturally without drugs.

Understanding how to apply the correct knowledge and techniques to successfully resolve your brain's stress response (as well as the problems triggering the feelings which lead to them) can give you a great deal of control over your mental and emotional wellbeing.

What causes anxiety and depression?

Having problems in your life which you don’t know how to solve, results in constant ruminations and negative thoughts of imagined outcomes which can lead to ongoing feelings of anxiety. This can eventually result in depression as you practice the habit of engaging in a negative mental and emotional feedback loop.

Constantly feeling emotionally triggered can affect your perception of your mental health and overall sense of well-being. The suppression of life energy flowing through you can lead to mental instability and a sense of disconnection. This is a main underlying factor which can contribute to a person's depressed, anxious, and overwhelmed state.

By resolving your brain's stress response brought on by your mental interpretation of emotion, you can naturally restore your mind and body to an experience of calm.

Threat-based programming can create an endless and depressing loop of negative thoughts and their related emotional reactions which continue to cause mental, emotional, and physical stress in all aspects of your life.

Your brain and stress

Our prefrontal cortex shuts down in varying degrees when thoughts of a situation trigger our brain's stress response, and this prevents us from thinking and communicating clearly. This presents it's own set of challenges, especially when we're trying to relate to others.

The surge of stress hormones accompanying our brain's stress response is distinctly uncomfortable. Often our perception of how this feels, will continue to retrigger further emotional reactions.

When we are perceiving ourselves to be feeling anxious, angry, frustrated, or disappointed, we struggle to communicate what we perceive to be the problem. This, in turn, can trigger others around us which makes us feel unheard, isolated and alone. It may even feel like an invisible wall of resistance is keeping us from feeling connected.

Why do my emotions overwhelm me?

It's important to note here, that emotions are not feelings. Emotion is the expression of life force, energy moving through you. How you interpret the way that force is flowing (or not flowing) into your life is what gets you into trouble. When you disconnect from the force of emotion, you disconnect from the source of power that makes you feel alive!

I am feeling angry, or I feel frustrated, I feel so disappointed, or you are making me feel this way! Many people believe they have no control over the way they feel and this is not true.

When you negatively perceive how the emotional force is flowing into your current situation, your mind has a tendency to fixate on related problems. This can quickly overwhelm you as you contemplate all that’s going wrong in your life and what you think it means.

You cannot see answers to problems when you're triggered

The combination of not being able to see an answer to your problem, nor acting to resolve your brain's stress response when it is triggered, causes a negative thought and reactive emotion loop which makes you feel like you’re constantly being emotionally triggered.

A clear example of an unresolved emotional state, is that you are feeling mentally and emotionally overwhelmed. Your point of focus is attracting similar thoughts which are triggering further emotional reactions!

If you want to stop feeling anxious, depressed and emotionally overwhelmed, you need to consciously interrupt your habit of negatively contemplating your problems and focusing on what you don't want to happen. There is a filter in your brain referred to as the Reticular Activating System (RAS) which sets its filters depending on what you are predominantly focusing your attention on - and then makes you notice more of it.

Which means the more you think about something, the more inclined you are to think about it. If this is an unwanted situation, you will continue to trigger your brain's stress response in relation to your interpretation of emotion and how you think you are feeling.

Most of us are taught from a young age to suppress a triggered emotional response when we perceive the feeling to be negative. This is what makes us feel isolated and depressed and prevents us from feeling connected with other people.

How can I be in control of my emotions?

There are three vital aspects necessary for you to become in control of your emotions. First of all, you need to know what outcome you want to experience and secondly you need to direct your focus and actions toward that outcome. However, the key to really being in control of your emotions is to direct the power of the emotional force when it flows through you.

If you get caught up in the mental interpretation of emotions and feelings then you're going to start focusing on what you don't want. Remember that filter in your brain? It just runs the program which is determined by your focus. This is how you keep yourself in a depressed or anxious emotional state.

In this state, you can’t think clearly, you can’t feel good and your modes of thought and action are contaminated at an operational level because you cannot process any new information. This is what makes you feel overwhelmed to the point of giving up. You’ve disconnected yourself from reality.

The programs which regulate your heart rate, breathing, blood pressure, and relax your muscles are interrupted by stress hormones when your brain's stress response is triggered. During this time, your brain remains on high alert. This is potentially why emotional reactions feel so intense and physically uncomfortable, and why it's so easy to become retriggered.

When you consciously resolve your brain's stress response by not retriggering yourself with unwanted thoughts, your body naturally comes back into sync. This is why you start feeling better. Your prefrontal cortex also comes back online so you can access your full creative potential.

Then it's a just matter of correctly reprogramming your brain filter with the right information so you can remain focused on creating your ideal outcomes.

Emotional stability is key to ending depression

Our brain is designed to connect with others, yet we must make sure we are using its full capabilities, so we don't go "offline" when we feel emotionally triggered. When we are triggered, our body language, facial expressions and tonality reflect tension, and this has a repelling effect on others. This is often what causes us to feel depressed, isolated and alone.

Conversely, when you are feeling emotionally stable, your body language and tone of voice will convey your calm demeanor and state of wellbeing. This has an attracting effect on others, as it enhances their feelings of safety and wellbeing which increases their desire to be with you.

How to cure anxiety, depression and feeling emotionally overwhelmed

Resolving emotional stress responses, naturally aligns your body and mind so you can be led into inspired action. However, to cure anxiety, depression and feelings of overwhelm it's important to deal with emotional and sexual connection issues which would otherwise continue to invade and contaminate your mind.

Improving your ability to feel good in your relationships requires upskilling your abilities in the following areas by understanding:

How to resolve and prevent emotional reactions so they don’t lead you into a downward negative spiral (which makes you feel isolated and inadequate.)

Common behaviors which may cause other people to become emotionally triggered.

How to stay in alignment with yourself so feeling confident, peaceful and connected with others is your NORMAL state of being.

How attraction works, so you can confidently participate in, and grow your relationships with others (without feeling needy or compromised).

How to solve sexual “malfunctions” so you can become confident in your ability to satisfy and feel satisfied in a loving and intimate relationship.

These answers and so much more are contained in my programs for men, women, and couples. Get the answers on how to stop feeling anxious, depressed, and overwhelmed so you can restore a relaxed, happy and satisfying life.

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Jacqui Olliver

Jacqui Olliver

As the founder of the Psychosexual Alignment methodology and published author, Jacqui has helped thousands of men and women easily resolve sex problems and restore emotional connection. Get your ultimate sex education and elevate intimacy to an exciting new level of engagement with Jacqui's Sex Mastery Program.

© Jacqui Olliver and the Life Education Initiative. All Rights Reserved. DMCA protected. Content on this website is for information purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for medical advice. *Results vary from person to person.