What Causes Lack of Libido in Men and Women?

By Jacqui Olliver

Have you or your partner lost your sex drive? I am often asked what causes a lack of libido in men and women, of which I can provide several interesting insights.

While children, stress and health issues can temporarily affect your sex drive and overall desire for sex, and diet and exercise can play a contributing role in causing a low libido, they are usually not the main cause of an ongoing lack of libido. So what is the main problem?

Let's take a look at how misdirected thoughts and a lack of knowledge around intimacy can negatively affect each other's libido.

Unwanted thoughts can switch off your libido

In my many years of experience in solving sex problems, one of the leading causes of lack of libido in either or both partners are thoughts about unwanted problems. These can be related or unrelated to sex and the resulting mental contamination can lead to relationship breakdown.

Whether thinking about a lack of emotional or sexual connection in your relationship or an unwanted sexual technique, your thoughts can switch your libido off in an instant.

Your brain is super efficient, so when it isn't receiving signals relevant to the desire to engage sexually, it will switch off all related hormonal responses until further notice.

Ongoing thoughts about an unwanted situation can result in a loss of interest in connecting sexually.

Loss of libido related to sexual problems

While most women are very talented at multi-tasking, this tendency toward being mentally distracted can also lead to a loss of libido or problems reaching orgasm. A common cause of mental distraction in a relationship is frustration, annoyance or feeling hurt. Being emotionally triggered can be caused by a clashing of ideas, not feeling heard and especially not feeling acknowledged.

When a woman doesn't feel emotionally connected with her partner then she may not feel sexual attraction at that point in time. Ongoing relationship problems can lead to a more permanent loss of libido, especially if she has concerns about her partner's sexual technique.

Many women have confided their concerns to me about their man's sex problems. For example, when a man suffers from erectile dysfunction and loses his hard erection during foreplay, it's common for his woman to over-analyze the cause and think it’s happening because he’s not attracted to her, he’s not turned on by her, or he’s having an affair!

Usually, this is far from the truth. Frequently, his weak erection problem is caused by focusing too much attention on her during foreplay so his brain doesn’t receive enough arousing signals! However, without a clear understanding of what causes these problems, she may lose her confidence and self-esteem as well as her desire to engage sexually with her partner.

In addition to the above issues, the inner vaginal dryness experienced by up to 50% of women causes pain and difficulty at penetration time which can exacerbate other sex problems and a woman's overall desire for sex. Learn my Inner Vaginal Flush Technique here.

Not enough sleep can kill your desire for sex.

What causes lack of libido in women?

Many men who ejaculate early think they can get away with giving their woman lots of foreplay instead of quality intercourse time. Unfortunately, this results in constant disappointment as most partners consider the ultimate sexual connection to include full, penetrative intercourse with a fulfilling emotional connection.

In addition to this, when a woman herself is unable to reach orgasm, sex can become a constant disappointment. Even if she can orgasm during foreplay, it’s just not the same as being able to orgasm during intercourse with her partner.

Over a period of time, a woman who has problems reaching orgasm will often lose interest in sexual frequency, especially if her partner suffers from premature ejaculation. JUST when she’s starting to feel really turned on and connected, her partner can ejaculate without warning.

One or more of these problems as well as a partner's unfulfilling sexual technique can lead to a lack of libido in women.

It is common for a partner's unfulfilling sexual technique to lead to a lack of libido in women.

What causes lack of libido in men?

A man's lack of libido is usually connected with another sex problem such as premature ejaculation, erectile dysfunction or being unable to ejaculate. While most men usually start with a healthy sexual appetite, these problems constantly undermine his confidence and self-esteem which can eventually kill his libido as he struggles to connect with and fulfill his partner.

A man can also be affected by his partner’s loss of libido. Most men assume that his partner’s lack of interest in sex is hormonal or related to health issues. However, if a partner is suddenly more interested in running the house and looking after children than attending to his sexual needs, he needs to ascertain the reason behind this sudden lack of interest.

While it’s mentally draining looking after children (which most certainly can cause loss of libido) there may be other reasons for their reduced sex drive. There may not be any problems with weak erections or early ejaculation, however, his sexual technique may be based on a porn education and not be at all fulfilling.

It's important to find out what your partner likes and doesn’t like, from kissing, to sexual position, to preferred fantasies (or no fantasies!) Never assume a person's turn-ons - because everyone is different and their wants and desires can change over time.

In addition to this, a man's lack of libido can be related to his partner having challenges reaching an orgasm. Not only does a man have to balance his sexual focus to retain his hard erection, he also has to stay in control of when he ejaculates while at the same time providing a fulfilling emotional connection for his partner.

When a man's partner has problems reaching orgasm, this can become an arduous and stressful task, and this is what causes lack of libido.

It's important to find out what your partner likes and doesn’t like, from kissing, to sexual position, to preferred fantasies (or no fantasies!) Never assume a person's turn-ons - because everyone is different and their wants and desires can change over time.

Lack of libido and body odor

"Do you go places when you know it might smell bad?" This is what one client said to me when he admitted that he hadn't given his female partner oral sex for two years because her strong scent put him off going down on her sexually.

When we think about body odor, we tend to associate it with bad breath or smelly underarms, which of course are both important to deal with. However, many male clients have reported a strong, pungent smell emanating from their partner's vagina, how it is a constant source of distraction and what causes a lack of libido.

Not only can this unwanted distraction result in loss of erection hardness, and the unwillingness to perform oral sex, the cascade of associated problems can negatively effect each other's libido.

Many women assume strong vaginal odors are simply part of their menstrual cycle, so they ignore the issue and hope it will go away. In addition to this, many health professionals and the media have told women for years to not use soap near the vagina because it can interfere with the natural pH and cause irritation.

Whether it's due to incorrect washing, soap residue, bacterial overgrowth or a yeast infection, a strong smelling vagina can easily be resolved by a woman when she follows the following protocol.

Our noses tend to be sensitive, and any strong smells can put a partner off sex or contaminate their ability to focus on and really enjoy the sexual act they are performing.

The Natural Way to Eliminate Strong Vaginal Smells

As a woman, it’s important to take charge of the state of your vagina so you not only feel vibrant, but continue to maintain attraction and well-being in your relationship. The tissues surrounding the vagina contain many folds of skin and pockets which make it susceptible to bacteria, itching and unwanted smells - and the result often causes lack of libido in either or both partners.

Some experts say it’s important to not wash your vagina with soap. Not only is that misleading but it causes the downfall of many relationships! Never use chemical-based soaps which can irritate the delicate vaginal tissues, and never use soap inside your vagina.

It’s soap residue which tends to cause problems. This is because it can leave a film which stinky bacterial bugs stick to, and therefore interfere with the natural pH of the vagina.

To keep your vagina clean and healthy, thoroughly wash the entire outside area of your vaginal genitalia daily with warm water, and once a day using a good natural (chemical-free) soap. Remember to thoroughly rinse the whole area to remove any residue.

When using a soap bar, always make sure it is clean before using on the sensitive areas of your vagina. If you are sensitive to one brand of natural soap, instead of giving up try a different one. Also make sure that you're not in a hurry to step out of the shower without properly rinsing, as any soap residue from your upper torso is naturally going to head south!

In conclusion of lack of libido in men and women

Now that you know what causes a lack of libido, it's time to take action! Being at ease in your relationship and how you engage sexually enables you to feel the ultimate connection where you can both enjoy intimacy, each knowing what to expect of each other.

While spontaneous sex is fun, strong BO or unwanted smells are not. Male or female, before you have sex, ask your partner to give you a minute to freshen yourself. Wash your genitals with warm water (no soap or smelly stuff down there before sex). Then thoroughly wash under your armpits with soap and water, rinse, and dry yourself equally thoroughly. Clean your teeth, or spray some breath freshener in your mouth. It only takes two minutes and your partner will appreciate your effort.

On a final note, if you are suffering from early ejaculation, erectile dysfunction, or being unable to orgasm, then get help to get those issues resolved, to ensure long-term attraction between partners.

Experiencing emotional or sexual challenges in a relationship can lead to ongoing disappointment and, consequently, a lack of libido. Resolving sex problems and emotional connection issues is crucial, as it addresses the root cause of diminished libido in both partners.

I have many success stories to share!

Most of my customers get relief after their first session, and recover completely after finishing the program.

More Testimonials Here

"Within 10 minutes of applying her technique I could already feel my libido switching back on! And now I can orgasm more easily too! ...we both feel increased desire for each other."

- Nikki, New Zealand*

Increased desire

"This is definitely a good program because it teaches how the mind works. Something I’m sure most of us know, but don’t understand how it affects our sex life. It all makes sense now!

- Josh, UK*

It all makes sense now!


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Jacqui Olliver

Jacqui Olliver

As the founder of the Psychosexual Alignment methodology and published author, Jacqui has helped thousands of men and women easily resolve sex problems and restore emotional connection. Get your ultimate sex education and elevate intimacy to an exciting new level of engagement with Jacqui's Sex Mastery Programs for Men and Women.

© Jacqui Olliver and the Life Education Initiative. All Rights Reserved. DMCA protected. Content on this website is for information purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for medical advice. *Results vary from person to person.