The Best Premature Ejaculation Cure

By Jacqui Olliver

There is nothing more important to a man with premature ejaculation than restoring his sexual confidence. Unfortunately, his search for the best premature ejaculation cure can turn up some dubious results to say the least!

If you think you've tried everything to cure premature ejaculation (like the majority of men I've worked with) you're going to be pleasantly surprised to learn that premature ejaculation can be cured.

By inhibiting your ability to perform normal sex, premature ejaculation (PE) destroys your self-esteem, affects your self-confidence, and causes ongoing worry that you are unable to satisfy your partner. This has a destructive effect on relationships as you and your partner struggle to connect sexually and feel fulfilled.

In my experience in helping a large number of men overcome sexual function issues including premature ejaculation, I can assure you that for the majority of men, implementing the correct knowledge and techniques can restore full sexual function.

Read on to discover how to naturally cure premature ejaculation and experience great sex with no problems!

Can premature ejaculation be cured?

Absolutely, yes. Many customers found me because they were looking for a natural and permanent cure for premature ejaculation. While professional health websites like mine are generally not allowed to use the word "cure" to advertise their products and services, this is what men are looking for.

I've helped thousands of men overcome premature ejaculation without drugs. So in this post, l'll provide some premature ejaculation facts and let you decide on your best path forward.

Solve your premature ejaculation issue and restore your sexual confidence.

Do drugs cure Premature Ejaculation?

If you take a drug for PE and stop worrying about ejaculating early, then there's a chance that you will not experience premature ejaculation that time.

But if one anxious thought sneaks in, then an onslaught of negative thoughts will often spiral you down, take you off your game and the drug you took for premature ejaculation will appear to no longer work.

In my professional opinion, premature ejaculation drugs, medicines, and numbing creams don't work due to anxiety and confusion as to what you should be focused on. This is the main problem!

Drugs also take away from the spontaneity of sex. No man wants to have to rely on drugs, pills and creams just so he can last longer.

I have coached several medical specialists to solve their own sex problems. They told me the medical profession have no idea how to permanently cure premature ejaculation or erectile dysfunction for that matter.

Let's look at the logic of this. Doctors, urologists, psychologists and sex therapists commonly prescribe erection enhancing drugs, numbing creams, and antidepressants for premature ejaculation.

Erection-enhancing drugs increase blood flow and sensitivity - so how does this make sense when you're trying to cure PE? It doesn't. If you don't know how to balance your sexual focus to be in charge of your sensitivity, erection drugs are probably going to make your PE worse.

Antidepressants and numbing creams are commonly prescribed for premature ejaculation with the aim of numbing your awareness of feeling in your penis. But, this can lead to erectile dysfunction when your brain doesn't receive enough arousing signals through awareness of sensation to maintain the erection program!

Unless you understand how to balance your sexual focus, you may find yourself catapulting from one end of the sexual arousal scale to the other without getting your ideal result.

It's crucial to know how to balance your sexual focus to stay in control of when you ejaculate.

Premature Ejaculation then Erectile Dysfunction

Drugs can create more problems than they solve in the long run. It is common for premature ejaculation drugs to lead to erectile dysfunction because they don't address the underlying trigger of PE which is primarily wrong sexual focus.

Without understanding how to correctly balance your sexual focus throughout foreplay, penetration and intercourse (or during solo play), the PE problem either persists or evolves into both PE and ED, giving you two issues to deal with. The ongoing loop of performance anxiety and confusion can prevent you from feeling confident and exacerbate the issue.

If a sex therapist, sex coach, or counsellor recommends drugs for PE, or recommend focusing more on your partner without telling you exactly how to, or you've been in therapy for months without improvement, it indicates their lack of understanding of the real issue at play.

Make sure to get a medical check-up to rule out any underlying health issues.

While improving your diet and doing exercises to strengthen your penis can help increase penile health, this is generally not the root cause of PE.

Mental Stress and Premature Ejaculation

There are many premature ejaculation treatments available however, most don't provide a lasting cure. This is because anything that becomes a mental distraction during sex can take you off your game.

Throughout all sexual activity, you need to be giving your brain signals that are relevant to the program you want: Erection / Ejaculation. Many men give their brain mixed signals which result in either erection problems or ejaculation problems.

Whenever you are trying not to think about ejaculating, you are picturing ejaculation - this signals your brain that you require the ejaculation program. It's like trying not to think about a black car, the more you try not to think about a black car, the more it's image is embedded in your mind?

Now think about a red car.

Notice how you automatically stopped thinking about the black car? Your conscious mind can only focus on one thing at a time.

This is how easy it can be to cure premature ejaculation. When you know what to focus on, and how to correct your focus throughout sexual play, you can easily come back into balance on the arousal scale.

Understanding this cause of premature ejaculation and how it is affecting your experience, then you can simply apply corrective actions to restore full control over your penis.

Apply the correct focus and actions to restore full control over your penis.

1. Correct your sexual focus to cure Premature Ejaculation

PE is usually (for the most part) a mental contamination problem. If you are overstimulating your brain with thoughts of sexual fantasies, how great it's going to feel when you're inside that hot, moist vagina and you're constantly thinking about your penis... I can guarantee you are going to lose control and ejaculate early.

This is because these thoughts cause you to become hyper-aware of the sensations in your penis. Therefore, ejaculation will occur within seconds or minutes of foreplay, penetration or intercourse (or masturbation).

However, it's not just these thoughts which contaminate your mind and cause you to ejaculate. You may be thinking about how arousing your partner is - or trying not to think about how arousing she is and how aroused you are feeling!

Either way, this kind of focus is mentally contaminating your ability to stay in control of ejaculation. The best premature ejaculation treatment to naturally cure premature ejaculation, is to correctly adjust your focus and actions as you progress from foreplay through penetration and intercourse. This will give you the control you seek.

Erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation are actually similar problems but caused by different degrees and awareness of stimulation. Many men sense different amounts of stimulation and never reach the point of feeling "hard" and in control. This makes for a stressful sexual experience for all involved because of the uncertainty of the outcome!

2. Resolve performance anxiety and cure PE

To completely cure premature ejaculation, you need to deal with the mental contamination problem. This includes performance anxiety which is taking you off your game.

Being constantly anxious and uncertain of the right mechanics which govern the sexual act leaves you with more questions than answers. When your mind is consistently analyzing what's happening with your penis, you can overstimulate your brain and ejaculate early.

The real problem here is that performance anxiety is constantly being brought on because your brain doesn’t have a plan to follow and you are confused as to what you should be focusing on during sex. This can result in ejaculating early and losing erection hardness too.

Being able to control the sexual and emotional programs in your BRAIN is paramount. This can enable you to overcome your sexual anxiety as well as cure premature ejaculation. By balancing your sexual focus you are able to keep a hard erection, penetrate without any problems, enjoy an extended duration of intercourse, and precisely control the timing of when you ejaculate.

3. Correct your knowledge and technique

Sex isn't just about putting your penis in and hoping for the best - that's a recipe for a big mess to clean up, both inside and outside the bedroom! It's important to deal with the mental, emotional and physical distractions so they don't take you off your game.

Premature ejaculation can happen at any time during a sexual act. Sometimes men ejaculate while giving or receiving foreplay, others ejaculate at penetration time, putting a condom on, during intercourse, or while changing their sexual position.

Although ejaculation may seem unexpected, how you focus your actions and attention throughout foreplay, penetration, intercourse, and changes of sexual position will determine when you ejaculate.

In order to cure premature ejaculation, you require a complete sexual strategy which encompasses the whole of the sexual act so you can be in control of yourself during foreplay, penetration, and intercourse. Each of these sexual "programs" have their own specific focal points and actions which enable you to stay hard and in control. This is fully explained in my Sex Mastery program for Men.

The reason why so many men struggle to overcome their premature problem and continue to ejaculate early is because they don't understand how they are causing the problem!

Can you cure premature ejaculation with Kegel's?

Kegel exercises are great for strengthening the muscles which support your penis, but contracted at the wrong time can actually cause premature ejaculation. Flexing your penis results in increased blood flow to the penis and while this is good for enhancing the overall health of your penis, if you flex your penis when you are feeling overexcited, it can cause you to ejaculate.

This is because the increase in blood flow leads to an increase in awareness of sensations.

Performance anxiety is experienced when you are uncertain of how to proceed sexually. However, with the correct procedure in place as explained in my Male Sex Mastery program, confidence and ejaculation control can easily be restored. For example, sexual fantasies which currently make you lose control and ejaculate early when used in the right way can become an amazing tool for enhancing your sex life.

The best premature ejaculation cure in summary

My recommendation for the best premature ejaculation cure is based on the knowledge of how to synchronize your mind and emotions with your penis. This procedure enables you to be in control of when you ejaculate while maintaining a hard erection.

I've helped countless men and couples solve premature ejaculation and their associated problems and in my experience, incorrect sexual focus is the primary cause of PE. Yet with the right strategies in place, you can remove anxiety and gain complete confidence in your ability to satisfy both yourself and your partner in bed.

I have total confidence my unique insights will set you up emotionally and sexually for life. With this correct knowledge and a bit of practice, you too, can choose the timing of when you ejaculate!

I have many success stories to share!

Most of my customers get relief after their first session, and recover completely after finishing the program.

More Testimonials Here

"Instead of trying to prove myself, it feels so good to lose myself in the moment. Now I can enjoy the person I am with and stop thinking about the results."

- Dennis, New Zealand*
Feels so good

"I spent a lot of time “resetting” my brain after a long time of watching porn and it didn’t do a thing. This program was different, it definitely exceeded my expectations."

- Dean, USA*
Exceeded my expectations


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Jacqui Olliver

Jacqui Olliver

As the founder of the Psychosexual Alignment methodology and published author, Jacqui has helped thousands of men and women easily resolve sex problems and restore emotional connection. Get your ultimate sex education and elevate intimacy to an exciting new level of engagement with Jacqui's Sex Mastery Programs for Men and Women.

© Jacqui Olliver and the Life Education Initiative. All Rights Reserved. DMCA protected. Content on this website is for information purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for medical advice. *Results vary from person to person.