Best Foods for Harder Erections

By Jacqui Olliver

This post includes the best foods for harder erections as well as example menus for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks to help you harden up your erections naturally.

Erectile dysfunction can be positively or negatively affected by the foods you eat. Some foods can harden up your erections while other foods can make your erections weak.

Harden up your erections naturally.

While weak erections affect nearly half of all men over 40, there are many younger men suffering from impotence which is an impediment to their relationship and overall wellbeing. I’m a firm believer in controlling the elements which can be controlled to improve sexual function and this includes the foods you eat.

Adding these best superfoods into your daily routine can harden your erection, stop erectile dysfunction, and also boost your sexual performance.

Restoring a hard erection requires a refocusing procedure.

How to choose the best foods for harder erections

Part of your strategy to attain consistently hard erections requires eating foods to enhance sexual function. Foods which increase blood flow and improve circulation, foods which positively influence your state of mind and your ability to think clearly – and foods which nourish your body and enhance mechanical function.

Remember that it’s not your taste buds which need feeding, every cell in your body requires nutrients to increase your libido and ensure you have optimal health and energy for sex.

When contemplating your wants and needs with regards to food, remember that there is a short term, medium term and long term consequence of everything you put in your mouth.

Packaged foods and fast foods containing preservatives and flavor enhancers may taste good in the short term, but in the medium term they’re going to affect your erection hardness and long term can lead to serious erectile dysfunction issues.

Choose foods which only have one ingredient and avoid processed foods which contain preservatives!

Menu example to naturally harden up your erection

Are the foods you're eating affecting your sexual performance? Preparation is key, if you don’t have meals and snacks planned, it is likely you will reach for anything to appease your hunger - and eat the worst foods for sex.

Best breakfast foods for harder erections

It’s important to kick start your day with a good breakfast. Choose foods which keep your mood and blood sugar levels stable to help you feel balanced and energized throughout the morning.

Fiber will improve your digestive health and help improve sexual function. The best sources of breakfast requirements can include: bananas, berries, oats, eggs, avocado, coconut milk, and spinach.

Blend 2 cups of berries with filtered water, one handful of spinach, a banana, a few kale leaves and a sprinkle of cinnamon for a delicious and healthy smoothie to accompany breakfast. Add about a heaped teaspoon of avocado for healthy fats and to improve consistency.

Does drinking coffee affect erection hardness?

Although high in antioxidants, coffee robs the body of magnesium which is an essential ingredient for keeping strong, hard erections. Magnesium is required for over 300 processes in your body including muscle contraction so limit your coffee intake to one per day.

Cacao (raw cocoa) is one of the best superfoods for sex. A rich source of magnesium, Cacao also contains large amounts of amino acids and other essential nutrients to enhance sexual function.

Combined with coconut cream or coconut milk and a pinch of nutmeg, ground cacao powder is an excellent alternative to coffee and can be drunk throughout the day to improve your overall health and erection hardness.

Best lunch foods for harder erections

Lunch provides your afternoon energy, so to avoid a mid afternoon slump focus on protein combined with healthy fats to balance your blood sugar. Make sure you include a good serving of salad vegetables.

Foods high in lycopene (tomatoes, watermelon) help to protect the prostrate to improve mechanical function. Avocado is a nutrient dense source of healthy fats which is also high in Vitamin E helping to improve blood flow and sexual function.

Protein sources such as sunflower seeds, salmon, and sardines are rich in tryptophan and Omega essential fatty acids which boost your mood and overall sense of well being to set you up for intimate late afternoon activities. Seafoods including salmon, mackerel and tuna also provide high sources of magnesium, as well as leafy green vegetables including kale, watercress and spinach.

Does drinking alcohol affect erection hardness?

Let's dive into the impact of alcohol on your erection hardness and sexual performance. Alcohol is a depressant that affects the central nervous system and can interfere with the body's natural sexual response. It can impair blood flow to the penis, making it difficult to achieve and maintain a strong erection.

Additionally, alcohol can reduce sensitivity and sexual arousal, leading to decreased sexual performance. To maximize your erection hardness, it's advisable to consume alcohol in moderation or avoid it altogether.

Best snack foods for harder erections

When you’re hungry or need a boost in energy go for a healthy fat option such as eggs, avocado, nut butter or coconut oil. Sliced banana or apple with almond butter is another great option.

Nuts, seeds, mushrooms and nutritional yeast also provide high amounts of B vitamins which can improve your energy levels and ability to focus your attention. Nutritional yeast sprinkled on avocado is a great way to consume large amounts of B vitamins and healthy fats to power up your erections.

Best evening meals for harder erections

Follow through on your new way of eating and don’t skimp at dinner. The foods you eat at dinner time may determine your ability to get a hard erection and keep a hard erection. Avoid high carbohydrate grain meals before sex such as pasta, rice or bread – or indulging in foods high in sugar as they often cause a rapid drop in energy and lead to your brain being lazy or unfocused.

Free range, organic chicken will deliver the amino acid L-arginine to help relax the muscles surrounding your blood vessels which will naturally increase blood flow into your penis.

Increase your intake of fresh green vegetables such as broccoli, green and red peppers, kale, spinach and watercress to boost your Vitamin C and magnesium levels and enhance circulation.

Final thoughts on the best foods for harder erections

If you want to achieve consistently hard erections (so you can satisfy yourself AND your partner in bed) you need to make wise choices about the foods you are eating. Foods which impede blood flow and block circulation need to be avoided at all costs.

Hard erections aren't just about food and exercises to improve sexual function. What's most important is to feed your brain with the correct sexual focus (thoughts and actions). Regardless of your age, this is the most natural and effective way to get hard. It will also resolve any premature ejaculation problems.

Start your journey towards harder, more fulfilling erections today.

Are you tired of struggling with weak erections and feeling like your sex life is falling flat? It's time to discover the power of Psychosexual Alignment. By understanding the importance of feeding your brain with the right sexual focus, you can unlock the secret to achieving and maintaining rock-hard erections at any age.

Say goodbye to the frustrations and disappointments of inconsistent performance. Don't wait any longer to take control of your sexual experience and unleash a new level of confidence and satisfaction in the bedroom.

Restore hard erection pleasure!

Restoring hard erections is not just about physical pleasure; it has a profound impact on your self-esteem and your relationship with your partner. When you struggle with weak erections, it can leave you feeling frustrated, inadequate, and disconnected from your own sexuality.

The inability to perform at your best can create a sense of shame and embarrassment, eroding your confidence both in and out of the bedroom. It can strain your relationship, leading to feelings of frustration and dissatisfaction for both you and your partner.

But here's the good news: you don't have to live with this challenge any longer. By taking action to restore your hard erections, you can reclaim your confidence and reignite the passion in your relationship.

Imagine the joy and fulfillment that come from knowing you can consistently perform at your best, satisfying your partner's desires and deepening your connection on a profound level.

Don't let weak erections hold you back from experiencing the vibrant, satisfying sex life you deserve. Take charge of your sexual wellbeing with my proven programs. Start your journey towards restoring hard erections and revitalizing your self-esteem and relationship today!

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Jacqui Olliver

Jacqui Olliver

As the founder of the Psychosexual Alignment methodology and published author, Jacqui has helped thousands of men and women easily resolve sex problems and restore emotional connection. Get your ultimate sex education and elevate intimacy to an exciting new level of engagement with Jacqui's Sex Mastery Programs for Men and Women.

© Jacqui Olliver and the Life Education Initiative. All Rights Reserved. DMCA protected. Content on this website is for information purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for medical advice. *Results vary from person to person.