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    Erectile Dysfunction and Heart Disease Linked to Stress

    Many medical doctors will tell you that erectile dysfunction is an early sign of heart disease. Yet erectile dysfunction puts a man under HUGE amounts of pressure to perform. What if erectile dysfunction isn't a sign of heart disease but a cause of it - due to the amount of stress hormones constantly being generated when he can't perform sexually?

    erectile dysfunction and stress

    Are your sex problems causing heart disease?

    Not knowing how to get hard or keep his erection hard results in thoughts of frustration, disappointment, anger and anxiety which trigger his brain's stress response to fight or flight. With an ongoing erectile dysfunction problem, he is constantly triggering his brain's stress response due to worrying about the possible consequences. This leads to stress hormones including adrenaline and cortisol constantly ravaging his body, which can lead to inflammation in his heart and kidneys.

    Although erectile dysfunction tends to increase with age, the Cleveland Clinic reports that 40% of men under 40 also suffer from erectile dysfunction. Regardless of age, having the right mindset to resolve erectile dysfunction and heart disease means that you need to look to the brain, particularly the emotional brain for a solution.

    The latest, most highly evolved aspect of your autonomic nervous system is called the Social Engagement System (SES) and was discovered by Dr Stephen Porges around 40 years ago.

    In layman’s terms, the Social Engagement System works in conjunction with your heart and brain and affects your heart rate variability. It plays a primary role in the way in which you deal with emotions, challenging situations and how you communicate with others. This gives it an essential role when dealing with erectile dysfunction.

    steven porges social engagement system

    Resolving erectile dysfunction can be a natural way to treat heart disease. By addressing and resolving the underlying issues causing ED, you can remove the source of stress and potentially improve heart health. Taking steps to tackle ED can have a positive impact on overall well-being and potentially alleviate symptoms of heart disease.

    Erectile dysfunction and stress

    Your central nervous system controls the reaction to a stressful situation with a fight / flight or freeze / shutdown response. Because you cannot focus clearly during an emotional response, this further contaminates your ability to regain a strong erection.

    However, the evolved Social Engagement System acts first in a hierarchical order and enables you to access some cognitive function to try to resolve the stressful situation. This prevents a full-on stress reaction involving secretions of hormones and neural chemicals such as adrenaline and cortisol which can take up to 20 minutes to dissipate.

    By keeping the Social Engagement System activated under stressful situations, your heart rate variability will continue to be moderated. This prevents large amounts of stress hormones from being released and damaging your body. During sex, it also enables you to focus on the actions which will restore your erection hardness.

    When you have the correct knowledge required to be in control of your erection, you will naturally keep your social engagement system activated so you can clearly focus when engaging sexually.

    erectile dysfunction and stress high blood pressure

    Erectile dysfunction stress = high blood pressure

    When a man has erectile dysfunction his brain and body are constantly in a state of high alert. He worries about his lack of sexual stamina and weak erection problem throughout the day and the consequences it may have on his relationship or his ability to commence a relationship. He feels lonely and isolated, unable to relax and incomplete as a man. His ongoing self-recriminations and worry, as well as negative thoughts constantly trigger emotional responses which continue to increase his stress levels.

    Sometimes his weak erection problem will cause premature ejaculation as he battles for control over his arousal levels.

    Without knowing how to balance his sexual focus or how to resolve the stress response when it’s triggered, his blood pressure rises and the mental and physical stress begins to have a cumulative effect in his body. As he battles the mental and emotional strain caused by ED, he experiences an associated drop in confidence and self-esteem, and emotionally withdraws from others.

    Isolation and loneliness have been directly linked to heart disease. It is inadvertently shutting down the Social Engagement System which affects heart rate variability. This often happens when a person tries to block the physical discomfort associated with an emotional response.

    Neuroscience has taken leaps and bounds over the last decade and can demonstrate how efficiently the Emotional Reset Technique immediately resolves an emotional response when it is triggered.

    Extremely helpful in the treatment of premature ejaculation, erectile dysfunction as well as heart disease and kidney disease, the Emotional Reset Technique prevents stress hormones from ravaging the body. It balances heart rate variability to create a calm state.

    Equally important is understanding step-by-step how to resolve your sex problems to remove the source of anxiety and stress! 

    Treating erectile dysfunction without drugs

    As you know from researching the best erectile dysfunction treatment online, and as with all health concerns, diet and relevant exercises can all help to end erectile dysfunction and are essential for restoring physical health. However, the primary area of focus in treating erectile dysfunction needs to be restoring correct sexual focus to ensure the correct muscle programs and hormonal responses are activated by the brain.

    Many men with ED are tested for testosterone levels and are found to have low testosterone. But is it an accurate reading? Most men who are at a clinic being tested for testosterone are not at all turned on by the provided stimuli and are more worried about the erection problem occurring! If the clearest signal his brain is receiving is the imagined image of his flaccid penis, his brain will not signal the correct sexual hormonal response due to a lack of relevant sexual arousal signals.

    Likewise, men who have been through prostate surgery often experience erectile dysfunction as they struggle to restore the correct balance of sexual focus.

    treating erectile dysfunction without drugs

    Update your knowledge base to heal erectile dysfunction

    Don't let erectile dysfunction hold you back any longer. Updating your knowledge base can be a game-changer when it comes to healing erectile dysfunction. With the innovative approach of Psychosexual Alignment, you will gain a deeper understanding of the root causes behind your sexual challenges and unlock the keys to overcoming them.

    By addressing emotional and psychological factors, as well as learning effective techniques, you can restore your sexual confidence and experience a fulfilling and satisfying intimate connection, like the many other men I have helped.

    Jacqui Olliver reviews

    "Jacqui is amazing! Her insights have been life transforming, not just inside the bedroom. My only regret is that I delayed working with her for way too long. Honestly, if you have sex and intimacy issues stop wasting your life and invest in time with Jacqui."

    - Alister, UK

    Jacqui Olliver Erectile Dysfunction reviews

    "I heard Jacqui on a podcast and what she said really resonated with me so I bought her program. I had suffered from ED for a really long time and I sure as heck didn't expect to see results so soon! You just don't hear about insights like this, but it totally makes sense! Highly recommend Jacqui's programs if you want a lifechanging experience they are worth every penny."

    - Brian, United States

    Unlock your sexual power with Great Sex No Problems

    Embark on a transformative journey of sexual healing, enhanced erectile function, and profound partner connection through the empowering approach of Psychosexual Alignment. Embrace the power of knowledge and unlock the secrets to a fulfilling and vibrant sexual experience.

    Updating your knowledge base can heal erectile dysfunction

    Many erectile problems occur due to the confusion which surrounds the sexual act and this is generally caused by a lack of relevant sex education knowledge. How one’s attention is focused during sex will determine the hormonal responses activated in their brain.

    The sexual act requires varying amounts of sexual stimulation. This includes sexually arousing focus and actions which generate awareness of feeling.

    Most men with erectile dysfunction focus too much attention on their partner which detracts from their awareness of feeling.

    However, without knowing how to correctly balance his sexual focus, if he focuses too much attention on his awareness of feeling he can easily catapult himself to the opposite end of the sexual arousal scale and start experiencing premature ejaculation!

    Along with consulting a medical professional, it’s important to understand the mental and emotional mechanics required to restore full sexual function, as this will naturally increase sexual stamina. I explain how to do this step-by-step.

    improve your sexual stamina nat

    Personalized Consultations Available: Take the next step towards sexual empowerment. Get your 90-Min Dynamic Session and save $150!

    Recommended by Professionals...

    medical recommend

    "After a lifetime of ejaculating within a minute (and for the past 5 years losing my erection hardness) I was able to stay hard and in control for over 10 minutes... the next time I had sex!"

    - Dr Sam (Surname withheld),
    Medical Specialist

    medical recommendation for Jacqui Olliverrelationship coach reviews

    "I have tried many types of drugs, consultation with many therapists and many herbs and Ayurveda. Your discovery and solution to sex problem in males is 200 times better than all other pills and suggestions combined."

    - Dr Vijay Raghavan, Award-Winning Diabetes and Metabolic Specialist

    reviews Jacqui Olliver

    "I’ve been to medical conferences all around the world, searching for an answer to my ED problem... Jacqui offered a completely different perspective – I am amazed at how well this technique works!"

    - Dr Brian (Surname withheld),
    Medical Specialist

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    "Providing good sex makes me feel like a man who's more respected, lovable and willing. Now I am confident in the act knowing I have the control to fulfill both our sexual needs!"

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    "Instead of trying to prove myself, it feels so good to lose myself in the moment. Now I can enjoy the person I am with and stop thinking about the results."

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    recommendation for Jacqui Olliver

    "I spent a lot of time “resetting” my brain after a long time of watching porn and it didn’t do a thing. This program was different, it definitely exceeded my expectations."

    - Dean, USA*
    Exceeded my expectations

    Jacqui Olliver Psychosexual Alignment Specialist

    Jacqui Olliver

    As the founder of the Psychosexual Alignment methodology and published author, Jacqui has helped thousands of men and women easily resolve sex problems and restore emotional connection. Get your ultimate sex education and elevate intimacy to an exciting new level of engagement with Jacqui's Sex Mastery Programs for Men and Women.

    © Jacqui Olliver. All Rights Reserved. DMCA protected. The content on this website is for informational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.  *Results vary from person to person. Questions? Please email me directly and let me know how I can help: [email protected]